Most Recent…
Psychology in Seattle: Interview with a pedophile who is a father
US, 3 January 2025 - interviewing a non-offending pedophile
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Bound by the Cloak: S4 Episode 8: The Clinical Science Behind Pedophilia
USA, 10 April 2024 - Dr. James Cantor is a psychologist and a leading researcher whose areas of work have focused on sex research. He has spent over 25 years researching various paraphilias, the most notable one being pedophilia. He shares the results of his research into the psychological and neurological factors underlying pedophilia.
listen on YouTube
RESOLVing Violence: The Helpline Frontline: Aiding At-Risk Individuals Preemptively
Canada, 19 March 2024 - Dr. Ian McPhail, a seasoned clinical psychologist and research associate specializing in the complex psychological patterns associated with pedophilia and sexual offenses against children.
Ask the Mask: I’m a Paedophile, Not a Monster
UK, 30 August 2023 - Channel 4 short. A panel interviews a virtuous pedophile.
watch on YouTube
Psychology in Seattle: Interview with a pedophile
US, 2 September 2022 - interviewing a non-offending pedophile
watch on YouTube
US, 14 December 2022 - follow up interview (part 1)
watch part 1 on YouTube
US, 16 December 2022 - follow up interview (part 2)
watch part 2 on YouTube
Media Storm: Unoffending Pedophiles: Clinical or Criminal?
UK, 21 July 2022 - interviewing prevention experts, four pedophiles and questioning current approaches
| transcript
Pedophilia: Recent and emerging research
Canada, 10 March 2022 - Dr. Ian Mcphail presents recent and emerging research on pedophilia
watch on YouTube
Wild + Precious
UK, 3 March 2022 - Deirdre McLaughlin talks about compassion and dignity for MAPs — Minor Attracted Persons
The Dr. John Delony Show: I think my friend is a pedophile (What should I do?)
USA, 21 February 2022 - A caller contacts Dr. John Delony to discuss his worries about his friend being a pedophile
watch on YouTube
Community in Conversation: In conversation with a pedophile
South Africa. ChaiFM, 28 January 2022 - Kathy Kaler talks to a non-offending pedophile in order to understand more about how pedophilia works
Sexplanations: Virtuous Pedophiles
USA, 9 April 2021 - Lindsay Doe discovers the existence of our site and community
watch on YouTube
Most Notable…
In Too Deep: Todd Nickerson
US, 3 August 2021 - interviewing out pedophile Todd Nickerson
LAHWF: Chatting with a Virtuous Pedophile
US, 18 September 2019 - interviewing out pedophile Todd Nickerson
watch on YouTube
The Science of Sex: Pedophilia Explained
US, 11 April 2018 - with Dr James Cantor
On The Edge with Andrew Gold: We need to talk about Silas
Germany, 1 July 2020 - interview with a non-offending pedophile from Germany
Psychology in Seattle: Non Offending Pedophile tells his story
US, 21 October 2019 - interview with a non-offending pedophile
Watch on YouTube
Vice News: The Men Who Call Themselves Non-Offending Pedophiles
US, 27 August 2019 - David, a 21-year-old college student in the United States, knows he is attracted to children between the ages of 4 and 11.
Watch on YouTube
BBC: The Nature of Paedophilia
UK, 13 July 2015 - Matthew Hill looks at the latest scientific research on paedophilia and how our understanding of the condition has implications for the best way to treat and manage it.
listen on BBC Sounds
This American Life: Tarred and Feathered - Help Wanted
US, 11 April 2014 - There’s one group of people that is universally tarred and feathered in the United States and most of the world. We never hear from them, because they can’t identify themselves without putting their livelihoods and reputations at risk.