Someone I Know Told Me They're a Non-Offending Pedophile

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  • Someone I know told me they're a non-offending pedophile

Who is it?

It likely came as a big shock to you when they told you. 

Either you had no idea, or you have long suspected but can’t believe they finally said it aloud.

Just because this information is now on the table, there is no need to panic. 

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Let’s start with the upside. This person has told you this early on in your relationship. They have given you a fair chance to consider how you feel about them being a pedophile. 

They have given you permission to ask them more questions.

They have also given you a chance to say, no, this is not for me.

Many partners decide to end the relationship, because it is such a big piece of new information about the person. But not everybody does.

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Your parent has told you their deepest, most well-hidden secret. They have also assured you they have not abused a child.

We understand that this is not a conversation most people expect. We also understand there is no typical or expected way to react.

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This young person has had the courage to talk to you about their pedophilia. We want to applaud you. You have created the right atmosphere and relationship for them to be open about such a serious, taboo topic.

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Your friend has trusted you with something that has been deeply buried for a long time. You may be the only person, or one of a very small number they have ever come out to.

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